
Am I Smarter Yet?

10 May 2024

Introduction When I registered for ICS 314 Software Engineering, I had no idea what to expect. I did not know exactly what it entailed, but I was interested to learn web application development. However, I did learn a lot about...

Software Engineering User Interface Ethics

AI in Education: Is it Worth it?

07 May 2024

I. Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around for a while now… well at least the idea of it. However, the first time that I actually heard of it heavily influencing education was around June of last year. I was...

Artificial Intelligence Software Engineering

The Blueprint

25 Apr 2024

The Basics Before my current Software Engineering course, I don’t recall ever hearing the term “Design Pattern”. Design Patterns are described to essentially be the blueprints for solving recurring problems. While researching, I found that there are many different design...

Design Patterns Javascript Meteor

User Experience

22 Feb 2024

User Interface (UI) Frameworks After being introduced to HTML and CSS, we have now moved on to implementing UI frameworks. I had never used an UI framework prior to this, so I could definitely see how it can be said...

UI Frameworks Bootstrap 5

Why isn't my code working?!

08 Feb 2024

Grammar? Too many times have I run into the issue of my code not working due to a simple syntax error. Just like in English class how we have grammar, in a way, I believe that coding standards are that...

Software Engineering IntelliJ IDEA ESLint

Newfound Interests?

18 Jan 2024

So many options… I’ve always been interested in Computer Science. However, once I decided to actually pursue a career in the field, I quickly noticed how broad of a field it actually was. I quickly became overwhelmed with so options...

Software Engineering Career

Another Language?!

17 Jan 2024

Experience While I can’t say that I’m new to coding or languages, I can admit that I was completely inexperienced with Javascript before taking my current Software Engineering course. Although the semester just started, I immediately noticed that I personally...

Software Engineering Learning

There Are No Dumb Questions ... Right?

25 Jan 2023

Ask Dumb Questions, Get Dumb Answers Everyone has heard the saying “There’s no such thing as a stupid question.” at least once before. However, my family also says, “Ask dumb questions, get dumb answers”. While I do agree with the...

Questions Answers StackOverflow